seats - decisions decisions

hi there, im in same predicament.:read2: i had original half seats in my barracuda years back,they were beyond and they were replaced with some aftermarket crap that ideally belongs in a jap " not fast and bi curious...."sort of rice racer , what was i thinking lol!!! anyhow i love the bucket type with high back<not separate headrest but one piece back>as in some chargers etc but they seem scarce in usa and non existant over here in uk./closest ive seen is porshce 911/944 924 ,yeh i know,it aint mopar :angry7: but has anyone over your way <as they going to be lots available?> stripped em, jiggery pokery with the metalwork/foamwork and had them upholstered? bound to come into some critisism about this ? i dunno, just a thought...:cheers: