360 build info

There is advertised compression ratio, and then reality. For a psiton manufacturer, published numbers depend on the block an parts being used being exactly the same specs as theirs. Reality rarely matches those sepcs...lol. You have to remember that calculating static ratio is the right and only way to know what the true compression is... and that most shops rebuilding engines don't do this unless you pay them to blueprint the assembly. That's because the dimensions of the block's deck height, stroke, rod length, main bearing bores, valve seat depth, valve design, head gasket type, and cast chamber volmues are all variables until you verify and se tthem where you want them.

What you will calculate will be your actual static compression ratio. The box and published figures are at best a general guide and worst not even close.

I have a nice lab type burrette. But the same results can be gotten with a garden variety large animal syringe from a farm store. You need it to be metric to standardize the results with the rest of the world. This number does get converted to english measure for the calculations. As far as fluid, any non-oil is fine. I would not use WD40, I use isopropyl alcohol with some coloring added to it. Blue windshield washer fluid would be fine too.