Colts Lost Ha Ha

Well I was at that Jets/Colts game as a JETS fan....after being called everything but the kitchen sink walking in it was a good game, and, although the D'olts woulda had a better chance of winning with their starters in, it was gonna be a close game regardless.....Jets' running game was not gonna be stopped, especially in the 2nd half, when most running teams usually do the most damage....not to mention the Jets' special teams dominance...but I must say, it was flat out HILARIOUS hearing the home crowd booing their backup QB Painter and the coach, and the rest of the team....then watching the mass exit with 10 mins. left in the game...I love watching Manning play, but the D'olts will do their usual; play great during the regular season, tehn chok when it counts....J-E-T-S, JETS JETS JETS!

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