EvapoRust is awesome!!

Ok I bought this shifter yesterday. I paid $40 for it and I posted a thread asking how much would you have paid. There one comment about the amount of rust on it so here is my reply to rust. First pics are of how it came home. Second set of pics is how it looked this morning after soaking in EvapoRust overnight. There is also a few pics of a spare tire hold down and a pair of needle nose pliers I wish I took a pick before they would not even open.

Shifter Pics ;) 008.jpg

Shifter Pics ;) 011.jpg

Shifter Rust Removal #1 009.jpg

Shifter Rust Removal #1 010.jpg

Shifter Rust Removal #1 011.jpg

Shifter Rust Removal #1 003.jpg

Shifter Rust Removal #1 004.jpg

Shifter Rust Removal #1 001.jpg