Turning a 74 into a 72

Well with Christmas over I can now get back to work on the dart. Decided that I would take one thing at a time and not move to another until I had it finished.

First order was to clean up the UCA's put new bushings in them and new upper ball joints.
Here's what they looked like when I started.

After a bath and a little time in the blasting cabinet using glass bead they looked pretty darn good.

Then I took them to a friend and had him put in the new bushing , painted them up and there ready to go back on the dart.

I did the same with the LCA's too. Put in new bushings, lower ball joints all new tie rod ends with new adjusting sleeves, idler arm and the new pit man arm is going to be here tomorrow.
Blasted every thing clean and painted it up. Just got done putting it back together.

Next will be rotors can't make up my mind if I should get new one or have the old one turned. Some new cross drilled ones would sure look good!
Anyway thats where I'm at on the build next thing I'm going to do is pull the 7.25 out and get the 8.75 installed.

The lower ball joints, tie rod ends, adjusting sleeves where all Christmas presents from my lovely wife Jean. She did good!!