I will be the first to say that I think bamacuda may be on to something..... his idea seems like it would work pretty good, seems like it would be pretty fair....reason 1 being that more than one young gun gets a chance at getting a price and reason 2 being that the prizes would be more evenly destributed and balanced.

You could set the amount of prize winners to whatever you want rather it be 3 or 5 or 10 or whatever. and you could decide rather they are chosen at random or based on there story or based on how long they have been members of fabo or based on how many posts they have posted or however you feel is the best route to take.

I personally think this may be the best solution.

anyhow, I have not seen many posts from leanna lately and the young gun threads traffic has slowed down it seems, I have been checking in on and off and even did a couple bumbs to bring in more young gunz.

leanna is this still going on for january? and if you have not came to a conclusion on how to set up the drawing and how prizes are rewarded.....I am sure myself aswell as others would be more than happy to set up a time to all gather in the chat room and brain storm on it!.

take care everyone ....and happy new year!