I need your prayers!

Hey FABO, I have a strong need for prayers about a situation that is coming up Monday. I will be appearing in criminal court as the defendant in a harassment case. Anyone who knows me at all, know this is unfounded. In a nutshell, here is the situation. I am a 20 year veteran teacher and while attending our middle school's baseball game, I was being my usual self and cutting up with the kids. One student whom I was not a teacher for, wants to characterize my good nature humor as harassment. He claims I slapped him, which I didn't. He was throwing a few crude comments my way, and as i do with a lot of kids, i snuck up beside him and reached up behind his face and when he turned he was surprised by my proximity. Instead of reacting like most kids do and laughing about my goofiness, he became agitated. His mother has pressed charges, and so I am appearing in court to defend my good name. Also, sometime in the near future, I will have to appear before an arbiter to negotiate my employment.

I am not a worrier, and I know that God has a plan for me, but I know He wants me to defend my reputation as well. I am very involved in my school, the community around the school, as well as my community and church ( I live 25 miles from where I work). Please pray for me to be confident, but not cocky, clear with my words, and that the jury will be fair. The truth is all I seek. That alone will clear my reputation, and i can go back to doing what I love...teaching tomorrow's leaders to be the best they can be.

Thank you in advance for your prayers and words of encouragement!


Update: the officer who took the report and who noted the boys face having a red mark was not at court due to his father suddenly passing away. The case will be continued March 8. Thanks for all the prayers and support.