What do you do besides wrench?

Nice house, barge. My wife has a co-worker who builds one every year to be donated somewhere (don't ask me where).

Compared to some of you my hobbies are dull :-D. In the summertime I like making things grow. Rosebed for my wife, other assorted flower gardens. Now that it's winter out and I've finally gotten my work bench set up in the basement I'll be back on the models again.

Getting out the acoustic guitar and playing it. Need to learn some alternative fingering for the cords. Self-taught for the most part, but finally in a position to take some lessons.

Oh, and there's writing on my novel, too.

Thank you Ram but you have it all over me. I have a brown thumb, am tone deaf, wife won't let me sing, and could write a novel only if it's not longer than four sentences.