Wrecked Mopar cars by members

Here's my story. Sorry no pics.

A long time ago, in another lifetime. I was 19, (now 53). I was driving my first car, a 72 340 Demon. Looked exactly like the one in my sig pic. I was going to pick up a friend and then heading for a beach party. I had my girlfriend du jour and 2 other friends with me. I was driving down a local road that was chip sealed that day. I was doing 30 mph in a 50 mph zone as the fat tires on the back had no traction at all on the fresh chip seal. I came over a blind knoll and low and behold there is a truck sideways on the road in front of me. I had to swerve to miss him because he had saddle tanks and I sure didn't like the looks of that. I did manage to miss him, but I lost control in the process. I put the car over a cliff. The cops said I flipped end for end twice and then 9 times sideways on my way down the slope. The back of the car was torn off at the base of the back window. The 2 guys in back got out with bumps and bruises. My girlfriend got thrown out and landed on the side of the road somehow. I was thrown out and in front of the car which then rolled over me and then picked me up and threw me into a tree. The car came to a rest with a huge boulder in sticking into the drivers window and over as far as the consul.
I broke every bone from my waist up except for my back, sternum and neck. Needless to say I was in rough shape. They tell me I died on the table and they were able to get me going again. I was in a coma for 8 days and in ICU for another 13 days. It took 6 months before I could get out of the house to even walk in the yard and another 2 years before I felt half normal again. I still don't and never will have 100% use of my left arm, but I fake it pretty good. When I went into the hospital I weighed 215 lbs, 21 days later I weighed 135 lbs. Did I ever look gangly. The only part of the car that was not destroyed was the hood scoop. The girlfriend was hurt pretty bad as well, but was out of hospital in a week and recovered fully.

This was not an experience that I would recommend to anybody.
