Web Site Help....

First off let me make you aware that i'm not really computer literate. I do know i have this keyboard setting here in front of me and there is a screen in front of me also so with that said let me continue. I need a website to use in my construction business and also show my cars and parts. I've paid for some web hosting and have a domain name but that's it. I need some recommendations and as soon as possible. Any help would be appriciated. How do i make this happen. I am frustrated to put it mildly. I'll give you more info. I am working through headwebmasters.com and cant seem to contact anyone on the phone to get some guidance. I've already payed for 1 yr of hosting so all i need to get done is the design that they said they would do. I hope they dont make me go ballistic. These computers already have me ready to kill on a regular basis. The wife knows to stay far away when i tangle with this monster. What now???
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