can you guys decode this and tell me if its a good deal?

Too much at $250 IMHO. I'd wouldn't even offer the guy anything and say thank you for your time. If he asks what you think it's worth... blown apart, don't know what's there complete???, rebuild kit is whatever $$$, $100 max.

The case is from a 68 hammy, MI built car. Probably a Dart, unless the tailshaft housing and shaft have been changed.

i know man, 250 is crazy considering i just saw one running go for 250 on another kinda thinking of going there with 250 cash, looking at it and saying wow man ill give you 100 bucks and then he'll probably think im crazy...then i can explain to him everything thats missing, and proceed to tell him he's crazy for trying to sell the running one for 500 bucks when they are going for 200 bucks everywhere else...if i can coax him enough and flap the cash in his face, he just might do it, but if not all i can say is i tried