Plasma or LCD?

Most companies will be halting production of there Plasmas. LCDs out sell them. The Plasmas were kind when the LCDs were not available in the 46" and up sizes.
Actually Panasonic has just spent a ton of investment capitol on their next gen Plasma including a new manufacturing facility so while a lot of companies are getting out it's a competitive technology issue for them as the remaining companies have the patent rights to the next gen tech they are developing .
Kinda like trying to build and sell a new cell phone when Nokia and Qualcomm hold almost all the wireless tech patents ,Just look at what Nokia is doing to Apple the possible numbers there could put Jobs out of business if thing go Nokia's way .Their wireless tech patents are being unlawfully used in everything Apple makes including computers . The cost to license other peoples new tech patents has gotten to the point of being financially impossible from a competitive stand point especially in markets where the patent holder is also a producer of a competitive product ie Panasonic and plasma tv's