Best clutch for small block W-600 hp

Aside from the engine screwing i got, I have had LESS success with autos..believe it or not.

I have a $1000 umbrella stand....ya just "send it back and we'll rework it ..AGAIN"...NOT.

Atleast with stickshift stuff I've found people who STAND behind their work and products...can't say that for thhose other trannies.

I've got what I've always wanted in a race car now...Small block and a Lenco.

The shop the F*CKED me was Mid Island engine in Duncan BC Canada....ask Chuck IF he knows how to calculate compression ratios...I was told I had 13.5...not the 15.25 I had....

Don't feel bad Steve and i have a ferry ride plus about a 2-3 1/2 hr drive to get to Mission...i'm closer.

Steves new motor is going to be a brute to say the least...2010 is shaping up to be an awesome year!.
