Giveaway car project... remember?

I am so OLD that my mind plays tricks on me, and I'm never quite sure if things I remember are true..... sad, but that's old age for you. :angry7:

I seem to remember some kind of giveaway project car from around 2 years ago wherein a lot of FABO members donated parts and some money to get a project car built so it could be given away; can't remember any of the particulars.... I think it was a Dart...
But, the guy doing the building was having a tough time finishing the car because of a lack of parts and money....

This went on for a while, and about that time, I went into the hospital for an extended stay (3 months) and that car never entered my mind again...
Was that project ever finished, and was the car in fact, donated to someone?

I am not dreaming this, am I????