Must SELL! 1974 dodge dart sport $6,800


You have a point. The offer of 1K and $ 1001.00 I will assume were jokes. For this last quarter, there were a record amount of new cars sold in Canada and perhaps the states. Everyone was up except for chevvy. I think there is money out there for these types of cars..but people are more cautious of spending it.

Location and scarcity have a lot to do with it....many in Canada have gone down to the states to buy because it is less expensive (including trans), the cars suffer less rust, and a heck of a lot more choices. My bud is looking for a barracuda in the states as I type. I think this gentleman's car would sell here for around 5+.

I react strongly for those that are in serious enough problems to have to sell their passions..I have been there..not quite as bad, but it really makes me sad and mad that they have to sell..I think it is like laying off vs firing an employee. I have done both but laying off an employee that is doing a great job tears me up inside..for firing, I know I have done everything in my power to improve. I apologize for coming off if this guy was faking like a gent did a couple of months ago, that just pi****s me off.

Thank you for not coming after me with fire :)
