Great Guy Alert! PabstXX

I just had to show off all the goodies Uli sent me from Germany! A big ol' box of stuff arrived in the mail today.

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Not speaking or reading German, I have to look at the pictures on the packages to figure out what it all is LOL, but the chocolate bars are obvious and highly appreciated! (ya'll know me and my love affair with chocolate :-D) I have to admit that's the biggest coffee cup I've ever seen in my life, and holds twice as much as the one I usually use (see pic). Thankfully it's not as cold here as it is in Germany so my coffee won't freeze like Uli's does.

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The note says "We wish you a nice wine respect and a good slide the new year. Uli"
Thanks again to a fabulous FABO member!!! :love7:

Can somebody please translate this for me? I want Uli to know that his kindness and generosity are appreciated and will never be forgotten. We've exchanged a few PMs but I'm sure mine are equally as confusing to him as his are to me.

Regardless of the language we speak, Mopar love is universal.