Lost a family member RIP Alex


Noel, the video I posted is a memorial to a young woman, but I posted it for the song. "Home Free" by Wayne Watson. Sarah and I had this played at Katie's funeral and the title is etched on her tombstone. Even now as I listen to it and I can't control my emotions. Not just for Katie, but for Alex. Our children are our most precious gift and the burden of outliving our babies is a tough one to bear.

This song says so much, "out in the corridors we pray for life, a mother for her baby, a husband for his wife. Oh, the good die young, it's sad, but true, and while we pray for one more heartbeat our real comfort is in You."

Heavenly Father, we pray to You, knowing that our children are our most precious gift. You said You knew us before we were knit in our mothers' wombs, so you knew the love and joy that Alex would bring to those who knew him. Wrap him in Your arms father, so that we may know he's being loved by Love stronger than all love, feeling Joy stronger than all joy. Comfort us, Father; death is never an easy thing to bear, and the death of a child, so full of promise, so full hope is even harder. Alex may have been describe as special needs, Father, but usually the people around children like Alex find the special need in themselves, of the love and joy and dedication a child like Alex brings into our lives. Alex brought that love to two young people who will live on without him, but know the love You gave them, through him, forever more.

Noel, I'm a complete stranger to your family, but give Alex's parents a special hug from Sarah and I today.

Thank you for that special video and prayer Robert. I ment to ask you about Katie and am so sorry for you and Sarah as well.
I often wonder if the call I finally get from my ex will be one with bad news about my son.:angry7:

Complete stranger you are not bud, we have never met(yet), but I feel I know you and will pass the hugs on.

She said Scott is taking it really hard.
I have not spoken to Amanda's mother(my sister) in over 5 years. Maybe this will help mend some bad blood in the family.

Everything happens for a reason.

God Bless