Poll: The Wife, or the car???

Years ago my sons mom had a passion for mopars as i did and do but she began to drink and have emotional problems and i traded my duster for my son and she drove it till it died, never checked the water and never checked the oil and one day drove up to the house and said that dam car wont run and left it out in the middle of the street so i go out to try to start it and it barely turned over but it started and i got it up the driveway and the motor locked. the oil had gotton so hot it turned to ash and the milodon pan had discolored from the oil being so hot and the inside of the motor was like it had a torch taken to it. after a year she signed up her parentel rights, i got my son and shes long gone. maybe, hopefully one day a woman with the same passion for mopars and racing as i have will come along again but i wont settle for a drunk or a woman with serious issuses and better understand if im going to spend several hundred on the car thats what im going to do. it seems that the older mopars are getting really scarce but to find another woman is just a trip to the bar or church or wherever you choose to find a woman, heck thats what some women treat us guys like as if we are disposable.