Parts Store Rant, the other side of the story

This is an example of how people treat the parts guy.
A guy came in to the store I was working at and ordered those gay GTS smoked tail light covers for his S-10 pick-up. It took overnight to get them. When the part came in, we verified the part number and description on the box to be what he had ordered and called him. WHen he came in, he opened them on the counter and inside were a set of louvered covers. THis man blew a gasket and started ranting and raving and calling me all sorts of names. I stood there calmly and told him if he wanted to leave before I busted his tooth, he'd better get to it fast.
The manager re-ordered the part and kissed this guys ***. The next day I'm standing there when he comes into the store. THe other guys literally RAN to the counter to take care of him so I didn't hurt the *&^%$r. Man, what a tool.
I feel your pain.