Winter time model building thread.
Amazing build quality everyone. I really am going to have to clean mine up better. When I build my Swinger it will be plumbed. I am building box stock mostly, other then the few pro streeet projects which where started 10 years ago when pro street was really in.
The Hemi engine was my first attemp at running a distributer. Homemade from some aluminum tubing, telephone wire and epoxy. My late friend Jimmy was into all the small aftermarket parts and figures. We he jumped I lost my ambition to build for a while and just recently dug them back out. He got me back into building in the late 80's after a 6 year hiatus.
Keep the pics comin, I need the inspiration to at least dust mine off.:-D
Plus as Mary sees other people are as crazy as me about models she doesn't mind them sitting all over the house. Shes pretty cool about it but wonders why I dont spend the time working on the full scale ones.:-k :dontknow: :-\"
She doesnt realize these are easier sometimes.:toothy7: