Hows your weather ?

37 is a little cool for me memike.8) We are projected at 63 today.:cheers:

We have had 9 straight days under 60 and set records from back in the 1800's when they first started keeping records. We should hit 73 by Thursday.
Then from the strawberry farmers running thier sprinklers at night has cause major sink holes in Plant City.
I seen that on the news, I remember the bad freeze and snow they got in 75 I think, I was there and showed my friends what to do in the parking lots :toothy10:

It makes you wonder when Alberta is warmer than Arkansas and Florida. A balmy 5C or 41F here when I came to work at 0720 hrs. :) Livin' the good life. :cheers:
Well I am glad for ya Sid and all the folks around you :cheers:
Enjoy it while you have it buddy :-D