is this a good price for W2's/will it work for my combo

hey guys, i appreciate the insight!

Fishy68 thanks for the advice! im not sure what chamber size would work with my setup, so thats something i would have to look into. I am also aware that i need to change intake manifolds and headers as well (another added cost to these heads)

Rumble, what your saying makes perfect sense, these buggers are damn expensive when its all said and done! LOL the only real way id think of going W2 is if i found a set for a good price in hopefully complete condition that someone really needs to unload badly since setting up the valvetrain gear as well as changing intakes and headers isnt exactly cheap...the thing is im not really even sure what a "god price" is for these heads assembled, which is why i was asking you guys

Moper, im not sure how much your asking for that stuff, so if you want to pm me you can...not gonna lie though, im cheap and broke and knowing what these heads and there setup is worth i dont want to lowball you...let me know what kinda money you are looking for and we can deal maybe

thanks to all!