Parts Store Rant, the other side of the story

im also standing behind the counter sometimes,buts its just exhaust and to be honest i can see why people get upset,but i can also see the problem from the other side of the counter when someone wants some tailpipes for a 70dart and i know just as good as the customer that i could get away with the same tailpipes from 67-76 but its just not that way its in the catalog and for good reason since those tailpipes are made to fit toghteter with a lot of diferent frontpipes and muffler combinationts, its just the same as the example above about starters for chevy trucks.. from time to time customers come back and have a problem with say a tailpipe not fitting and many times its because he or she doesnt have the frontpipes made for that application or the customer doesnt even realise that that mess of "homedesigned frontpipes/wrong offset muffler is what gives him the problem in the first place, so im alitle sick of the mentality that i sometimes get from the customers also,but most are understanding and i and the guys i work with try very hard to get the right part for the customer nomather what his atitude is in the first place and nomather how f****** up the catalogsystem may be in the first place im just glad some of the catalogflipping can be avoided with some experience, i have worked at the same place for 9 years now and i still learn alot of new stuff both from customers and catalogs and experience all the time :)