So, what's my Dart worth?

Well here goes..... Low milage cars are worth bucks no matter what you have in it. Ron Kowalke from Old cars price guide in 09 are as follows;

Number 1 condition 12k (usually no car is a one)
Number 3 condition 5.4 k (alot of show cars are in this cat)
Number 4 condition 2.4 k (drivers)

With all of your built up stuff on it I would suggest a Russo and Steele or Kruse auction. Folks like the turn key Retro/reliable stuff these days.

Also have it appriased by an old car expert. Most price guides, like the one I listed are for stock cars. Your mods are inestimatible, thats why I think an auction would do you good, put a reserve that you can live with and go for it.