Is There Value in Making a 'Clone'.

You are entitled to your opinion, as I am entitled to mine.... neither carries more weight, either can be disputed endlessly....
Next time you attend the woodward cruise look me would be far more fun to engage this debate over a burger & beer watching hundreds of classics roar by ...hopefully my 66 will be done by then and we can park them in "Cuda Row".....If the timing is right I may be able to introduce you to an associate of mine Milt Schornack, he was the head mechanic at Ace Wilsons Royal Pontiac when it all started and was the guy who worked on the first Royal Bobcat GTO. I am pretty sure you would get a charge out of him and his insights.
DID 68 Barracuda's ever come with wires? I thought the S cars only came with those weird hubcaps that the LONG lugs poked thru?

FOR the original person asking the question I am pretty certain there are more responses toward the "do what YOU like" option and you can add mine to that tally. from my perspective this is about what we each enjoy and what makes each of us that end modify as you see fit and enjoy the ride!