Is There Value in Making a 'Clone'.

JimmyRay...I get the same questions with my 72 340 duster and yes it is a numbers matching 340 car. What I have found is that most people that ask that question are armchair enthusiasts. I watched them as they left the shows and cruises....most everyone that asked me questions like that was driving a 2005 F150 or an Escalade or a bimmer......percentage of people that HAVE a classic that ask that question is less than 1%. My point is they dont know what else to ask? They would not know an Offenhausr from an Edlebrock or an HEI from a dual point if you waved them under thier nose. it is good that you kept the 340 intact to include as a sales bonus. But do you really think you would be as happy driving it if it was slower? or stopped like a drum brake car or didn't pull 11's? my guess is NOPE!
Next time an armchair naysayer asks you that stuff ASK them where thier classic is? if if they have one ( typically not) go check it out and ask them why they did this or why they did that LOLOLOL The people who scrutinize the most, as a rule, dont even OWN a classic!
I bet you car is SMOKIN hot, and I bet you absolutly feel giddy when you light up those tires........THAT sir is what this hobby is all about!!
IF you are having fun and your ride is a source of enjoyment and excitement, nothing else matters!!
Bring that puppy down to woodward............ for those that have never been it is a mind blowing experience! A collection of rolling hosepower and chrome and awesome paint spannin 15 truely is inspiring

I'm with you on that! I wanted to build it like I could not afford to in 1982, and am livin' it up now. Just sometimes I think I would have come out better stroking the 340 (to 416) instead of a roller 360. But I don't, at this point, have any interest in trading the 408 torque for the old 340!

You make a good point about those asking quesions. I think a lot of them are just making conversation whilst the ogle the car, which is fine by me. It is literally like driving antique art, but without the ROI.