a little motivation needed

I painted my own car.....my old white notchback '67. It took me a year and a half. I would come home from work, and try to put in an hour and a half per day. Sure, there were sometimes 2 weeks where I wouldn't touch it.....but I always got right back in there, stripping, tapping, bondo-ing, (and re-stripping when I thought there was too much bondo) more tap-tapping, blocking, primering, feeling and feeling and feeling with my fingertips.....trying to pick up that "feel".

I started out with a somewhat small body/paint book.....and just read it over and over and over.....it was my bathroom book....lol... Anyway, just don't sit there looking for results.....just keep your head down and keep plugging away at it. The results will come eventually and you'll get re-motivated. As far as money or parts you need.....you'd be surprised how cool a lot of people around here are.....and generous.

There's something cool about long-term projects.....because I think it "tests" your patience and commitment.....almost like a mind game...to stay in there. Gotta have faith that it'll all come together someday.