Is There Value in Making a 'Clone'.

So I guess a value increase for a "clone" that never was (such as my Toad with a built 360, 727, 8-3/4" SureGrip, disc brakes and 15" X 8" wheels) is out of the question, huh?

"A young, good-looking, stuck-up yuppie lawyer was in the city for a court appearance one day when her BMW broke down and she had to take the Greyhound bus home. Unfortunately, when she boarded the bus the only remaining seat was next to a stinky, dirty, disheveled bum who was carrying a rotten tuna sandwich in a paper bag. The yuppie woman reluctantly sat down next to him and tried her best to ignore both him and the smell. The bum tried to make conversation with her, to no avail. She studiously avoided acknowledging him. Finally, the bum pulled his rancid tuna sandwich out of its bag and offered her a bite. 'Leave me alone, you gross, sickening, filthy, miserable excuse for a human being!' she replied. 'So I guess sexual intercourse is out of the question then, huh?' the bum asked."