273 Buildups - Status Checkin
Currently it seems there's a few of us on the board rebuilding their original 273's up. I'll start taking pictures as I start to get things back.
Here's my current news.
I dropped my block/heads/crank/intake/rods off at the machine shop on Friday and ordered the cam on Thursday. They'll clean up the block, peen what needs to be and get the bore done so I can identify which pistons to order. After he felt the ridge on #3, he thinks just .020 wont do it. Maybe .030 over will be all he has to take.
He's going to clean the intake and heads as well. Will do a quick valve job and check the guides. Wanna make sure they are good to go. Will also check the seats.
Crank will be turned at least .010. Maybe .020 on the rods depending on how much to get the groove out of #6.
I know at least the donor rod I gave him will need to be reconditioned. He thougth #6 rod was too scored to re-use. I have a parts 273 from a friend that I pulled another rod out of.