Got me a partner "pup"

Look like Boogy is saying,"I get the bed, you keep the floor, Kid." :bootysha:

Yes :cheers: She is the boss lady and he wants to play and she will not have anything to do with him yet :clock:

I am on my 2nd Boxer now and will say they are such fun to have. You have done a great thing taking him in.
This is my second one to chryslerfat :happy10: I had one about 12 years ago and she was a fun and easy trainer :happy10:, I will always think he feel out of the sky to me I think, I have been looking for a new pup and I got the call :cheers: that there was one that needed a home KNOW!!
I think I received a gift from above :love7:, some one knew I was looking and would love to have a nother boxer pup.
I must be living right because this was a blessing to my life :love7: