The Joy's of being a moderator

There was a need for some editing to make this post suitable for it's intended purpose.This was sent to my personal e mail address. others that have been kicked off have sent similar or worse when reprimanded by a moderator and just shows why moderators are needed
Boy, Curtis, you really did me a big favor by kicking me off of FABO! I had been wasting 'way too much time with you dummies. Jesus, I've never before met a group of people like that, where almost nobody knows how to write, spell or punctuate, but they insist on displaying their ignorance repeatedly every day by trying to write, write, and write some more. It's really pretty shocking! It's kind of like walking down the street, announcing to every person you meet how dumb you are. Yeah, I'm sure I want to hang out with a group of people like that!

What a bunch of losers! Now I'll just move on to better things, and choose the people with whome I associate much more carefully.

The very idea that I have to tolerate a bunch of insults from fatboy redneck slopeheads, and then get kicked out of the group if I defend myself, makes me realize what a colossal waste of time FABO is.

Thanks again for the wake-up call! I think I'm going to get rid of my Mopar. I like the car, but Mopar people are just too f**king stupid to survive.

Have a nice life!

disgruntled person

reply to disgruntled person(names have been changed to protect the not so brilliant)
Dear disgruntled person, seriously why would you go and ignore what I told you in a pm? do you really think I singled you out? I had to read all of the posts in the thread and have no interest in all that electronics mumbo jumbo unless it happens to one of my car's. I sent you a pm because of what I read and made the best decision I could. You think for a minute that being a moderator is fun? I can tell you are very intelligent and know what you are talking about. I hope when you calm down you give it some thought as to why you got a week suspension
. If I don't do my job as a moderator the place will start to look like and that is hardly a place for young people to learn about cars. When I posted about "outside of the box" it was directed at anyone that see's it and should have stopped the namecalling and acting like a bunch of big babies. You brought on the week suspension with your actions and I do hope you understand. As far as some of the members not being able to spell correctly and crappy punctuation are right but I will say this, it doesnt make you a better person to put down their shortcomings. There are a lot of people in the world that can't read or write but if you are a really smart person you might realize that they are good people and some of them are considered hero's and have saved lives before, reached down to help a fellow man, given of themselves to help those in need and are parents that do the best to get their children the education they might not have gotten. If you don't wan't to come back after the week suspension that is your perogative. I nor the other moderators will tolerate the fighting, namecalling, posting of vulgarity's or pornographic materials or a member ignoring a warning about any actions not deemed appropriate for all ages, races , colors or creed's is that out of line? am I still wrong? You can let me know how ya feel about it. I'm here if you need.
then final reply back from disgruntled person.....
"If you don't wan't to come back after the week suspension that is your perogative"

Yeah, that's right. I don't want anything further to do with FABO. Go ahead and kick me off permanently. I'm going to get rid of my Mopar.
and then My final reply. Well I guess you have thought this thru and are quite sure of what you want.Thank's for taking it out on me. The people at f.a.b.o. wheather they can spell correctly or not should not have to endure people like you.I am glad I made a good decision on who to send a pm to about behavior,I was worried that I made a bad decision but you have reassured me that I did ok. next time you git yourself in trouble you will know to go look in the mirror....there is the problem. Do Not contact me again till you get your attitude corrected or a more permanent measure will be taken. sorry you feel that way and hope you seek some help. Wagg's