360 cam / valve train help / choices

I assume proper push rod length would correct the angle of attack from rocker tip to top of valve stem....right?
And at some point valve travel distance would demand a roller tip........or would you be better off going to a 1.6 ratio to help keep the tip on the valve stem?

No. Pushrod length does not affect rocker to valve tip geometry on a rocker shaft type design. The only thing that affects geometry is raising or lowering the rocker fulcrum (shaft mounting point). If the geometry is right there's really no need for a roller rocker tip because if all angles/heights are right it's sweep will be tight, but a roller tip does decrease valve stem side loading so it is beneficial. 1.6 rockers shouldn't change the geometry if their designed right as it's the back side (pushrod end) they modify to change the ratio. If the valve tip end is modified it can screw up geometry big time. I had a set of cheap rockers that did just that.