Autopsy complete. Results

I got the 360 apart today. I lucked out. After wiping 2 cams I couldn't find any damage to the mains or connecting rod bearings. There was one minor scratch on one cylinder wall. I'm not going to worry about it as I have seen worse in perfectly good engines. The scratch was only about 2 inches long and barely noticable. I had to have my glasses on to see it. Pistons and rings were perfect. So I have put the bottom end back together.
What I did find that worries me a little is that all of the cam lobes that had damage are on the intake valves on the drivers side of the engine.(both cams). I am taking that head to a local shop to check out the sping heights, pressures, and guide to retainer clearance's. Maybe there is something there.
Going through the spec's of the engine build they used a .026 head gasket and the pistons are .020 in the hole. Other than that nothing stands out as to a cause for these cams dieing. Jim, at Racer Brown didn't think that the 15 seconds it took for the engine to really fire up should have caused the problem but stranger things have happened.
One other thing I noticed was the thick sludge in the bottom of the oil pan. I figured that must be the remains of the GM EOS. Nasty looking stuff. LOL
It was also amazing the amount of crap, ie: silicone that had got caught in the oil pump screen.

Anybody got any thoughts on this? Just something that I can ask the local shop to check.
