Prayers Needed Cancer scare at home

The first thing I check for when I come into the boards is prayer requests and when I opened up a PM from Bill this morning asking me to come directly here, well, that pretty much told me that it was urgent.

Heavenly Father, we lift this man and his family to you in prayer. The times before him and his family are uncertain and he comes to You, seeking guidance and wisdom. We ask that you be with his wife, Father. Be with her in healing and in Spirit. Comfort her, surround her with Your love, and help her maintain a positive, peaceful attitude.

We ask that you be with this man who comes before You in prayer, asking us to do the same. You have placed on him the role of father and husband, a role of strength and leadership. We ask that You place Your Spirit on him, Father, lend him Your stength, and guide him with Your leadership.

We ask that you be with the doctors and the medical professionals, so that they may be working with sure, swift hands, to put this time of uncertainty to rest, quickly and with resolve.

We ask this in Jesus' name.


johnparts, keep us updated and let us know just as soon as you can what the doctors have to say, please. In the meantime we'll keep praying.


I do not know about anyone else out here but everytime I read your posts like this one, it brings me such peace to know that there are such kind hearted people like you Robert to help to ease the pain of others with your heartfelt prayers. You have the gift of God in your heart and that is truly a rarity. Thank you for all of your inspiration. You are a true messenger of our heavenly father.