Escorted from Home Depot

One of many road trips between Manitoba and Saskatchewan, I had to stop for some reflection at a busy truck stop. Found an empty stall and made myself comfortable. Saw a pair of feet walk up to the door and wait. They belonged to a young lad and since I am old, his patience was no match for my digestive system. I was farting up a storm and the air quality was not very agreeable in the vicinity. Eventually, the feet left. Soon after, I finished up and on exiting the washroom I found a youg lad and his father in an increasingly heated discussion about the need for him to go to the bathroom right now. Poor kid was just about in tears, said to his dad, "But Daddy, I don't want to go back in there". Poor kid, I knew why! Of course, I went back to the car and told my wife this story, she let me know just what kind of heartless b&*^tard I was. To this day, wife and kids won't let me live this down.