Need NonMopar Tranny Advice...........

The trans is new, I'm sure he has a warranty(Non OEM trans, aftermarket) on it but the problem lies where as we work on the road (airfield constuction/technical services contract w/FAA) and are on the road 2-3 months at a time and are now 900 miles(KY) from his mechanic who did the install in FL. Our next stop will be in Corpus Christi,TX before we will have a chance to get his money pit back to FL.
He drained a qt out today, we will see what tomorrow brings.

Long story on this guy, but he spends his $$ like a drunken sailor when home and he is now broke and no funds to seek professional help.

My only interest in getting to the bottom of his problem, is I do not want the problem to become mine.

I just figured after 900 miles it would have found its level point, if just overfull, but then it was low and had to add more.