Car craft build a 500 hp 360 stroker for 5000*

It's not the thread that I'm disappointed in, it's the article. I've been reading about stroker small blocks for about 5 years now, I even bought the book. And I meant no disrespect to Brian (OU812), I know he just provided them with some pictures.

I like to see REAL builds, where they show the choices that were made, any tricks to putting one together, then tune and dyno it.

This is exactly how the next article will be! We are trying 2 sets of headers, 2 different intakes, spacers, and 3 different carbs all on the same long block to give readers CHOICES!!
We will also be testing thin oil vs. heavy oil because of the hyd. system to see what happens there.
I don't think you guys will be disappointed with this next article. If so well, maybe you just can't please them all...LOL!!