Head porting

did take some photos of the bench we have! the design is mainly form Bruce @ PTS! we did not buy his plans, but build it after my own writings,based on pictures of Bruces bench! I did buy the electronics and a calibrated plate from him! next bench we build will be after his drawings! You will find everything you need on www.tractorsport.com. There is a great forum there also with many experts!

here are some pics...if this is working...first time..

LOL Yeah I bought the PTS plans, then tried to shrink them so i could make it out of three old desks i had colecting dust!

caused my self a hole lot of greaf trying to get it to calibrate correctly

Had to pull it a part several time to fix turbulance issues with in the bench.

The next one I will build as Bruce intended!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know the old saying,........"Hind Sight is 20/20!"

Here is mine.
