Head porting

LOL....did not look exactly like bruce's bench....but looking good!Function before fashion..The best thing is even it's not accurate or compareble to others flownumbers/benches, you are able to see a difference if you do things right or wrong! and a velocity-probe is a easy add-on when using water-manometer! Just throw some paint on it now, and some stickers, then it suddenly looks like the pro's!

my bench draw about 23A, 6motors. (not enough,more to come)
I have used the speedcontrol of the vacuum-cleaners and modifyed it to handle the increased current.You see the wheel on the front of the bench. 2 wheels, each control 3 motors.

I only have 4 motors in mine 2 new from Light House, LH High power units and to out of a old vac clean you see at a car wash.
After .300" lift i have to test a 10" and then do the math @28"

BUT IT WORK! and have learned a lot already:read2:.....and still know nothing.:-D