Head porting

Well, in lack of air for the porting-tool, we could not get any furter this weekend. instead I added one more motor to the bench...now pulling a max of 280cfm@28 before i need to drop test pressure! I begin to feel worried about powersupply! still holding up then... Edit:Also added cooling to the electronic speed-control, and picked up some speed on the motors!

I`ll also have started on a simple spreadsheed...not finished yet, but I will put it up on the board if anyone want it:love7:
I have set lift increment in millimeters, but I can change to inches...

Got held up this weekend, a Horse ran into/over thebed of my truck today.. i managed to turn off the road before it entered my windshield... the next car wasnt as lucky as i...... unfortonaly the horse had to be put down.. Norwaydart i have lent the test plate, and will bring it over tomoro after the police has looked over my truck.. :( this sux