Roller cam for slant 6?????
I have asked a few people if they know of any cam grinder making roller-tappet cams for slant 6's and have heard no "yes" responses, yet.
With all the slant 6 activity ala Dutra and Clifford (and probably others I'm not aware of) it would surely seem that SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE is grinding roller-lifter cams for slant 6's.
Or, is there some dificulty in this endeavor that I am not aware of?????
I think there might be a way to convert L-A and Magnum roller lifters into slant 6 rollers, with some "ingenuity in action."
Has anybody investigated this possibility?
Getting a cam grinder to go to the trouble to grind some roller-compatable profiles might not be easy, but if we got together an order for a reasonable number of /6 rollers, it might be do-able.
I am envisioning removing the hydraulic plunger from a Magnum lifter (or, late, late, L-A roller lifter) and replacing it with a sleeve of the proper size, to convert it to a solid. That might work, if I can figure out a way keep it oriented using the Magnum "spyder, modified to fit.
I am open to suggestions as to whether this sort of thing is even possible.
Please let me know if anyone is, or currently ever has, manufactured a roller tappet setup for the leaning tower of power.
I'm going to be building a new engine soon, and I don't want to have to deal with zddp issues if it's not absolutely necessary.8)
Thanks for any information....