My free Duster (Look close you will see why it is free)
3 cheers for evaporust!!! You are doing a great job, but I still don't see why that Duster was free. It's not in bad shape, except for the typical areas you would normally expect to find rust. I think you made a great score. That "Booger" sure is cute... wait a minute, I think Booger is doing more than her share on the resto'd parts isn't she?? She's sneaking out of her room at night when you're asleep and cleaning those assemblies for you isn't she??? Look at her, she has the evidence in her hand!!!LOL!!! She needs her own Simpson car seat to ride along with Dad in HER Duster!!! Keep up the good work, and I'm proud to have you keeping my family safe!!! Thanks for your service to our great nation, you are the reason we can enjoy this hobby!!! Geof