let it snow


Got a warning ticket this AM for excessive speed in snow in BOF, our 67 Dart! (2 mph over posted 35 on a divided 5 lane hwy)

He had a hard time catching me off the light in his durango!!!
Wanted to make sure I wasn't going to crash and hurt someone!

I assured him I wouldn't want to crash my 67 & that the 200lbs of sandbags, newer tires including studded snow tires, and only 25lbs of air in each tire pretty much lets me travel at will, other than getting stopped! Besides the SUV that just went by was doing 50!

Nice cop, just "warned me with a written".

Don't think he was expecting someone twice as old as him driving BOF.

I think BOF is being is being profiled and pulled over due to loud and not slipping all over when taking off at an icy light!!!

Here's snow pics for your enjoyment!8) more to come after this storm!!

69 snowbound.jpg

lex & 69.jpg


