Need a good TuneUp Tech Guide for Thermoquad
When I worked for Bary Grant, there were literally hundreds of brand new defective carbs at any given time; anything from real loose throttle shaft to bore fitment to metal shavings in the metering block and float bowls to loose boosters and throttle levers.
Interesting comment, we have sold 1.4 Demon carburetors per working day this year. We disassemble each carburetor and inspect it for any of the above mentioned oversights in the manufacturing process. About 1 in 6 has some small problem that we have to adjust or repair, usually bent linkage from abusive shipping, sometimes we'll find a jet loose or a screw that didn't get tightened but with all the Demons we have sold, serviced and tuned over the last 10 years I can only recall one King Demon that actually had a manufacturing problem that was more than a simple repair or adjustment and had to be returned to factory for repair.
The honest truth is "Nothing is a bolt on" everything you buy needs to be repaired, clearanced, checked for defects or modified to fit or work correctly. Anyone who buys a carburetor from Sizzler, Barry Grant, Edeljunk or even Biggs don't think for one second that it's ready to run on your car. Check everything and when your sure it's correct then bolt it on and begin the correct tuning proceedure.
I have had many discussions with the Tech people and Management at BG and we have had many chuckles over the reasons why people return carbs as "Defective" I would guess that 90% of returns are not defective product but defective owners. They order the wrong carb series or size and return it as defective, they are too stupid to own a carburetor or a performance car and send back the carb. I get 20 tech calls a week from people who bought their carbs from another source and they can't get them tuned most of the problems they describe are not a carb issue.
They try and run timing in the motor based on the fender tag for a /6 on their new 440 (6*) and they think that the timing is relative to the car not the motor.
Piss poor combinations that a computerized fuel injection system couldn't make run.
Don't know a 4 corner bleed from an Idle speed screw.
850 carbs on small blocks
750 Mighty Demons on near stock motors.
Vacuum carbs on 2600# cars with 4.30 gears and a 5 speed tranny or better yet the most recent.....same combo with a 4200 stall in a 3000# all out race car.
Mechanical carbs on a 4000# B body with a 2.73 gear and a stock convertor with a 318.
Over Carbed, over cammed, wrong series, no thouht into combination, inability to tune it, no timing in the motor, poor combination built from a Summit catalog, Engine builders working on tune-up, asking 10 freinds to tune it and just general customer stupidity is the cause for most returns.
I just wish I could get my hands on those returned carbs, I'll bet that 90% or more could be fixed without replacing a part and be fixed in 30 minutes or less with simple baselining and general inspection.
I could go on forever describing "Bolt-On" parts and the problems we encounter from valve train components, pistons, chassis parts to valve covers and intakes. Take nothing for granted it'll bite you in the *** everytime.
Concours Show Car...have Sizzler fix you up
If you want Power and Us, we'll get you dialed.