Tax Question

As stated before Joe. There should be a year to date earnings number on your last stub BUT take all the advice from the IRS BUT make a set of real good notes and list the name and extension # of everyone you speak to loging down the time and date and what they said. Be absolutely sure you do this. You will be glad you did.
Small Block

Yes, you will be. When dealing with anyone from the government make sure all the info you can possibly get is written down extensively. I just got hit with a tax bill from '08 'cause NYS screwed up a 1099 from an a short unemployment claim. When I talked to the IRS about it how to pay it (I didn't want to have to pay an extra $200 for a payment agreement) I got the name, ID#, extension # of the individual, wrote down the time, date, and all my questions with the answers and put them with all the necessary paperwork. This way, I can point the finger back in the other direction if something goes wrong.

It's something learned from NYS DMV. As a licensed state motor vehicle inspector if something was in dispute we were encouraged to call Albany, but always told to write everything down and file it. That way if a customer had a dispute as to why a car failed inspection and called the DMV and the state guy came out, we could pull that info out and CMA.