Found a house!

We decided that house hunting sucks!

The house with the 4 car garage actually sold back in August!!!! The knob licking posting agent never took it off the market, it still had an MLS number and a lock box on the door! Our agent along with her broker reported them and last we heard someone got their *** chewed!

We have put bids in on at least 5 other houses and have come back with nothing for various reasons until now!

I haven't even seen it in person because I am in Utah and Vegas until the 16th so Nikki and I have been faxing and emailing all the papers back and forth and they accepted our offer tonight. When I get home next week I will be going strait from work to meet the inspector at the house.

Hey Ross, get ready for the road trip to Usk, WA for that 57 wagon when I get back and then set up the garage so we can paint!!!