360 questions

octanejunky, you and I are in total agreement. I have my people practically kiss our customer's rears. We are in manufacturing, competing with China, and business has been tough for quite a while.

I transplanted up here to the Chicago area from Wichita, Kansas 13 years ago where I had 3 great machine shops, I worked with on a pretty regular basis. Two of the owners were good friends of mine.

This is the third one I have worked with up here, as the one I preferred, moved 60 miles west a few years ago and I lost track of him.

Having built a lot of motors over the years, I have grown to deplore and to love machine shops.

I put a stop on that motor, and will probably just let them have it as a core.

I may have found a 91, that is in pretty good shape. I am going to check on it tomorrow. Thanks to every one in this thread, this 360 thing is something new to me.