buying a convertor

mopowers said
Dynamic is the way to go. look around here, because there is a post you would be interested in about dynamic converters.
I've personally had problems with $1200+ converters, and so have some of my customers. Not saying they are all bad, but sometimes you need to really look at what you're buying/getting for your dollar spent. Also look at customer service and turn around time when choosing a converter.

The biggest thing about ordering a converter is to supply the converter manufacture with all of the pertinent information on your combination. Fill out the information sheet, and let them know what your intended use is for the vehicle whether it's street/strip or strictly race, and what your E.T. and MPH goals are.

For what it's worth, my company sells US Torque Converters and also PTC Torque Converters. Both converter manufactures fill a certain niche for my cliental as one type of converter isn't the best for every application.

Hope this helps some, and good luck!