Value of car purchase? Please, it's complicated!

You ARE his father. At 1 year old, he would have very little memories of his real father, so if he's comparing you to something, it's an image that he himself has conjured up.

I'm glad things worked out. Seems like he had a chance to do a little growing up, and realizes that life is not just a party, and that he cant keep blaming everyone else for things that happen.

Either that, or he's softening you up because he's going to tell you that you are going to be a

That would be awesome!!! I would love to babysit on weekends!

I became involved when he was around 7.

First time I ever saw him he was completing a round house kick landing on ABB thigh with ABB landing on couch! (kick boxing style. too much tv)
I am sure he had already conjured up quite a bit untill I showed up and made him do a 180 from Damian to a socialy responsible young adult.

I've always concidered him my son, but I did have to be the bad guy all the time because I did not want any more ill feelings towards his mom. I was always the bad cop. I hope as he gets older he will understand. He would be on the crash course if a new baby is comming!8)