Grinders blown apart 225

I had read some of that stuff over on SlantSix.Org :read2: about how high guys were revving /6s. That prompted the question "Has anyone ever grenaded one of these things and if so, how?" The most common was sticking the #5 out of bed. I came to the conclusion that oiling the next to the last main is a bit problematic. Still it's wild to run the engine with a hole in the block the size of a golf ball with no problems. If I were a betting man, I'd think that the engine would still be running if he had stuffed more oil in it.

As a matter of fact I believe that it would still be running if I had more oil to put in it! I loaded up on as much oil as the gas station had,after 180 miles I finally put the ast 2 quarts(12 quarts total) in and she ran through them in about 30 miles when I heard the bearings squeel and the motor finally seized...still coasted about another mile before I shut her down.:-D